Here you will find possible solutions to problems that can occur during grinding. In this respect, the symptoms observed on the machine, the possible causes and help or correction suggestions are listed. In some cases there are different causes and several solutions for one symptom.
If you have further questions, please consult our experienced application engineers:
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Select the relevant problem field for the diagnostics process:
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Chatter marks at regular intervals | ?Vibration in the machine | Check machine bearings for wear |
Chatter marks in checked pattern | Disc not balanced or deformed | Balance or redress disc |
Irregular chatter marks | Disc fastening unstable or workpiece loose | Tighten disc fastening or fasten workpiece |
Irregular surface scratches | /Disc too soft | Coolant dirty |
Reduce workpiece speed |
Use harder disc |
Coolant dirty | Replace coolant |
Check filter |
Spiral-shaped marks | Dressing techniques not optimal | Check diamond for sharpness and fixation |
Check parallelity of dresser |
Surface too rough (coarse) | Disc too coarse | Use fine, slow dresser |
Use fine-grained disc |
Disc too soft | Use workpiece speed |
Use harder disc |
Metal deposits on the disc | Dress more often |
Use softer, more open disc |
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Disc not dimensionally stable | Disc too soft | Increase work speed |
Use harder disc |
Disc too coarse | Use finer-grained disc |
Burn marks on diameter | Disc too hard | Reduce work speed |
Use softer disc |
Use easier cutting abrasive |
Burn marks on flanges | Rub disc edges on the shoulder | Relief grind dressing disc edges |
Coolant short | Increase coolant flow to contact area |
Workpiece not parallel | Dirt in the centring holes | Clean and lubricate holes |
Workpiece incorrect | Check alignment - align |
Workpiece bends | Use counterholder |
Excessive wear on disc | Reduce work speed |
Dress slow and fine |
Disc moved beyond the end of workpiece | ? disc when grinding 1/2 to 1/3 of its width with the workpiece ? |
Workpiece not round | Disc too hard | Reduce work speed |
Dress coarser |
Use softer disc |
Workpiece incorrectly aligned check | holes and chuck centring |
Disc will not cut | Disc is shiny | Reduce work speed |
Dress coarsely |
Use softer grade disc |
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Non-round workpiece | Workpiece set too low | Increase cutting height using holes |
Disc too hard/fine | Increase regulating wheel speed |
Reduce operating power |
Make disc grippier by dressing coarse and fast |
Reduce cutting depth |
Use softer/coarser disc |
Uneven dimensions | Varying cutting depth | Set balancing feed |
Ensure constant grinding allowance |
Check taper and non-roundness |
Workpiece not parallel | Regulating wheel incorrectly dressed | Check settings and redress regulating wheel |
Cutting edge incorrectly set or workpiece cutting edge worn | Check and adjust |
Diamond worn | Check and adjust/replace |
Workpiece guides incorrectly aligned | Check guides and adjust |
Disc is acting soft | Lower dressing speed |
Use harder disc |
Reduce cutting depth |
Rods not straight - through grinding | Rods are not straight before grinding | Straighten rods |
Workpiece guides / workpiece- cutting edge incorrectly aligned | Check and adjust |
Heat build-up | Reduce cutting depth |
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Abrasive detachment | Disc too soft | Use harder disc |
Failure of the corners | Disc too soft | Use harder disc |
Disc too coarse | Use finer grain size and/or harder disc |
Vibration | Faulty dressing | Dress more frequently |
Disc too coarse for size of cast iron piece | Use disc with feiner grain size |
Disc too hard | Use softer disc |
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Non-round | Workpiece distortion due to too high clamping pressure | Reduce clamping pressure |
Overheating of the workpiece leads to uneven workpiece | Use softer, cutting disc |
Increase expansion of coolant feed |
Workpiece fastening not round | Check and correct alignment |
Widened hole on the ends bigger than in the middle | Disc moves out too far at both ends of the hole | Reduce stroke length so that only 1/3 of the disc length protrudes from the hole after the stroke |
Holes not parallel | Incorrect honing movement or length | Check that it does not move out more than 25% of the honing length. Check that back edge of the honing tool passes midpoint of the hole length |
Inadequate surface quality | Bench speed too high | Reduce bench speed |
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Unevenness on workpiece | Distorted workpiece due to magnet holder, springs back when removed from the bench | Reduce clamping pressure |
Low material removal, high segment wear and low power consumption | Segment too soft | Use harder segment |
Segment too fine | Use coarse-grained segment |
Motor not working, low material removal and high power consumption | Segment too hard | Use softer segment |
Reduce bench load |
Cross-grinding angle too big
| Incorrect ratio between rotating, forward and backward speeds | Increase rotating speed and/or reduce forward and backward speed |
Symptom | Cause | Solution |
Burn marks, burnishing or cracking | Insufficient coolant | Check outlet tug and position of the lead |
Cooling mixture does not match the specification | Check thinning |
Disc too hard | Reduce planing speed of the disc |
Coolant degeneration | Replace coolant |